Mailing lists & groups
Lambada Pilots and Owners
This forum was initiated to enable Lambada owners, pilots, and other stakeholders to share their experiences, expectations, hopes, and plans.
Microlight Flyers
Welcome to the Elite Group of Microlight Flyers A group of Individuals who are passionate for flying, are aviators already or are wanting to become one as soon as possible. Flying in India is considered to be a difficul...
Microlight Forum
The Microlight forum is a friendly place for microlight pilots and enthusiasts for the lighter end of aviation to share their thoughts, dreams and experiences. Whether you fly flexwing, fixed wing or parawing, old or new...
Microlighters - Is it time to fly yet? Yes, let's go fly!
The microlighters forum in South Africa with aircraft buy & sell classifieds. The meeting place for SA microlight pilots.
SD Planes UK
A UK SD-1 information site with tons of information about the SD1 Minisport.
SkyRanger builders forum
SkyRanger E-Group. An active resource group for SkyRanger owners, builders and prospective SkyRanger Buyers In this eGroup we can freely exchange ideas, building comments and tips between builders, owners and others inte...
The International Jodel Club
is for all those interested in the Jodel range of aircraft and all items related to them. The Club has no membership fee, you just have to apply to join this yahoo group. You can find the home pages for The Internation...